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Browse our archives of Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife volunteers and events in the news as well as other important wildlife and advocacy stories from Southwest Florida.
The Owls Have It

The Owls Have It

Cape Coral, Florida, is one of the fastest-growing cities in America, its population up nearly 98 percent to more than 204,000 since 2000. Construction is booming, a plus for the economy but disastrous for area wildlife—especially ground-nesting burrowing owls.

Butterfly House Visitor Saves Tonka the Tortoise

Butterfly House Visitor Saves Tonka the Tortoise

May 1, 2023, in the Butterfly House, Tonka the African Sulcata tortoise (who lives in the Butterfly House) decided to munch on a piece of plastic. Cheryl A. pulled some out of her mouth, but she had a bunch still in there.  I tried to get the remaining plastic, but...

Thank You to All Burrowing Owl Festival Sponsors!

Thank You to All Burrowing Owl Festival Sponsors!

The Board of Directors of Cape Coral Wildlife, Inc. would like to recognize the following major sponsors of the 2023 Burrowing Owl Festival – Wildlife & Environmental Expo. If you are personally acquainted with a sponsor or business, please thank them when you get...

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