Friends of Wildlife oppose utility project in Cape Coral
The Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife is against the City of Cape Coral using 14 acres of Yellow Fever Creek Preserve for the north utilities extension project.
The Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife is against the City of Cape Coral using 14 acres of Yellow Fever Creek Preserve for the north utilities extension project.
In a heartfelt act of conservation, Alexandra Fasulo, a former Cape Coral resident and advocate for wildlife preservation, has donated her 10,000-square-foot lot to the Cape Coral Wildlife Trust (CCWT).
A Cape Coral resident is raising concerns after witnessing the destruction of a burrowing owl habitat.
Early Thursday morning, around 8:30 a.m., concerned neighbor Amanda Goodwin says she saw the bulldozing of the protective sign for burrowing owls at the construction site at NE 8th Place and NE 11th Street.
Goodwin says she saw a white pickup truck with a tractor dismantling the sign. NBC2 even spotted a displaced owl while at the construction site.
Over 100 volunteers with Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife have set out across neighborhoods to count up the number of owls across the city.
A memorandum of agreement was pulled from the Cape Coral City Council agenda before its Wednesday meeting, as execution of the $900,000 grant for burrowing owl habitat protection is still being worked out.
The grant the city will use to purchase more properties for burrowing owls was supposed to be approved at Wednesday’s city council meeting, but Cheryl Anderson said it wasn’t.
One of Southwest Florida’s most beloved reptiles is finally getting celebrated the way it always deserved to be. Gopher Tortoise Day is April 10, with the goal of raising awareness for the threatened species.
Burrowing owls in Cape Coral are threatened as heavy rain puts their homes in danger. Cheryl Anderson, who is on the board of directors for the Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife, says, “That’s why we want your help now.”
Join CCFW’s 2024 Burrowing Owl Photo Contest! Snap a photo, win prizes, and be featured on the next festival T-shirt. Registration opens April 10th.
The burrowing owl nesting season is hitting its peak, just in time for some public celebrations centered around Cape Coral’s official bird. More than 3,000 of these pint-sized birds can be found in the city, and…
It has been an unusually cool winter here in Southwest Florida. And it may continue to be cool for some time to come. That is what Athene, the city’s official burrowing owl, told NBC2 meteorologist Rob Duns on Friday as…
On Tuesday, Janet Windisch, Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife said the City of Cape Coral could be the first city to receive the Florida Fish and Wildlife’s (FWC) Burrowing Owl Protection Grant. The grant would allow the City of Cape Coral to purchase vacant properties and turn them into homes for the owls. “This money is coming from…
In 2020, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency delegated federal wetlands permitting under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) over the objections of Audubon and most other environmental organizations. Several groups engaged EarthJustice to file a legal challenge.
Given the break the birds received with the timing of January’s record rains, it’s unfortunate that human-related issues are once again threatening their survival.
On Friday, while most of the nation and the great people in Pennsylvania looked to Punxsutawney Phil, the City of Cape Coral asked the burrowing owl Athene how long they must wait till spring.
The burrowing owl nesting season is hitting its peak, just in time for some public celebrations centered around Cape Coral’s official bird.
The burrowing owl takes center stage as the Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife and Cape Coral Parks and Recreation Department host the sixth annual “Ground Owl Day” on Friday, Feb. 2, at 10 a.m. at Pelican Baseball Complex, in what is the city’s take on Groundhog Day.
A local wildlife group is asking $900,000 in state grants to go towards preserving and establishing burrowing owl and gopher tortoise habitats in Cape Coral.