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Browse our archives of Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife volunteers and events in the news as well as other important wildlife and advocacy stories from Southwest Florida.
Photographers Birding Bus Tour

Photographers Birding Bus Tour

As part of Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife’s 22nd Annual Burrowing Owl Festival, Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife will be offering a Photographers Birding Bus Tour. Join Master Birders Eary and Jennifer Warren, and David and Tammy McQuade in an air-conditioned bus for this fascinating four-hour trip.

2024 Ground Owl Day

2024 Ground Owl Day

On February 2nd each year we celebrate our own unique take on Groundhog Day, gathering to find out if the burrowing owl will see its shadow and predict the end of winter.

Volunteer of the Month – December 2023

Volunteer of the Month – December 2023

Trudy Withey Trudy is a quiet force who really gets people to support us through sponsorships and donations. Last year she was able to get more than $500 worth of gift certificates from Grimaldis in Ft Myers! Trudy is a DAR and member of the Lawrence Kearney Chapter...

Volunteer of the Month – November 2023

Volunteer of the Month – November 2023

Jenn Moss Jenn steps up and helps everywhere. She does starter burrows, burrow maintenance, talks with so many people about us via outreach at schools and our Proud landlord signs. Jenn helps get donations for our auction and has increased our reach on social media...

Volunteer of the Month – October 2023

Volunteer of the Month – October 2023

Dorothy Browning Our October Volunteer of the Month is a highly dedicated and respected person instilled with patience and cheerfulness, offering her help when needed. Not only does our volunteer answer our website emails, she also does burrow maintenance, GPS, helps...

Op-Ed: Cape Coral should fix, update Chiquita Lock

Op-Ed: Cape Coral should fix, update Chiquita Lock

Since Hurricane Ian, the lock has been broken open, allowing pollutants to flow freely into the Caloosahatchee estuary. While the city wants to remove the lock, we should not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Instead, the lock should be updated so it can continue to protect the Caloosahatchee estuary without impacting manatees and boaters.

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