What this week’s heavy rainfall means for the Cape’s burrowing owls
Published by Fox News by Bella LineCAPE CORAL, Fla. — The Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife (CCFW) just finished its yearly burrowing owl count, but with warnings of flooding this week in the Cape, there's some concern about what this means for these owls that live...
Saving Burrowing Owls in the Rain
Published by Wink News by Tiffany RizzoWe’ve got lots of rain the past couple of days, and it’s flooding and burrowing owls’ homes. The older owls can fly to higher ground, but Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife President Pascha Donaldson worries about the babies! “If our...
2024 Burrowing Owl Census Results
The results have been tallied – the number of burrowing owls counted during the 6th annual census on May 18, 2024 in Cape Coral is 5098! This is a fantastic result demonstrating that Cape Coral’s official city bird is thriving in our city! 884 more owls were counted than in 2023, attributable to conservation efforts by the city, many members of the community and Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife (CCFW) to protect this threatened species which is such an iconic symbol of Cape Coral.
Annual Count for Cape Coral Burrowing Owls underway
Over 100 volunteers with Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife have set out across neighborhoods to count up the number of owls across the city.
Cape Coral Paint and Sip – Burrowing Owl Fundraiser
Wine & Canvas will be hosting a fun paint and sip event at Stevie Tomato’s Cape Coral location and $5 per registered person will be donated to Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife.
2024 Burrowing Owl Photo Contest Results
Today, we're thrilled to unveil the winners of the 2024 Burrowing Owl Photo Contest! The response this year was overwhelming, with an abundance of stunning and distinctive images capturing the essence of these magnificent birds. It was an honor to have Jesslyn...
PSA: Burrowing Owl Census This Saturday
On May 18, 2024 from 7 am – 12 pm volunteers will be conducting the Cape Coral Owl Census. If you’re driving around town between those hours, you may see this sign on many vehicles.
What You Can Do to Help Burrowing Owls During Nesting Season
We are nearing the peak of burrowing owl nesting season in Cape Coral! Have you noticed tiny chicks appearing at burrows in your neighborhood? There are several important things you can do to help the burrowing owls and their owlets at this time of year.
Friends of Wildlife await city execution of $900,000 grant
A memorandum of agreement was pulled from the Cape Coral City Council agenda before its Wednesday meeting, as execution of the $900,000 grant for burrowing owl habitat protection is still being worked out.
Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife could purchase your property for the city’s official bird
The grant the city will use to purchase more properties for burrowing owls was supposed to be approved at Wednesday’s city council meeting, but Cheryl Anderson said it wasn’t.
CCFW Advocates for SW Florida’s Wildlife on Earth Day
CCFW volunteers spread out across SW Florida today to celebrate Earth Day! Our members promoted the importance of Cape Coral’s precious wildlife at Ding Darling Days at Lakes Park, Babcock Ranch and right at home at Rotary Park.
Gopher Tortoise Day: SWFL celebrates threatened reptile’s big day
One of Southwest Florida’s most beloved reptiles is finally getting celebrated the way it always deserved to be. Gopher Tortoise Day is April 10, with the goal of raising awareness for the threatened species.
Gopher Tortoise Day April 10, 2024
Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife (CCFW) wants the community to be aware that Lee County has joined with many municipalities in officially proclaiming April 10 as Gopher Tortoise Day. The purpose of Gopher Tortoise Day is to to raise awareness of this threatened species and conservation efforts to protect them.
Heavy rain threatens burrowing owl homes in Cape Coral
Burrowing owls in Cape Coral are threatened as heavy rain puts their homes in danger. Cheryl Anderson, who is on the board of directors for the Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife, says, “That’s why we want your help now.”
2024 Burrowing Owl Festival Recap
Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife (CCFW) would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to all that made the 22nd Annual Burrowing Owl Festival, Wildlife and Environmental Expo on February 24, 2024 a resounding success. The event celebrated the city’s official bird,...
CCFW Members and Future Forestry Collaborate in Planting Trees
CCFW members Mark Thurmond, Lori Haus-Bulcock and Vince Windisch joined the Future Forestry tree-planting event on March 9, 2024. Future Forestry Director Russ Ringland generously donated ten Sycamore trees to CCFW, which we planted to honor the 2023 Burrowing Owl...
2024 Burrowing Owl Photo Contest
Join CCFW’s 2024 Burrowing Owl Photo Contest! Snap a photo, win prizes, and be featured on the next festival T-shirt. Registration opens April 10th.
Early birds: Burrowing owl nesting season reaches its peak
The burrowing owl nesting season is hitting its peak, just in time for some public celebrations centered around Cape Coral’s official bird. More than 3,000 of these pint-sized birds can be found in the city, and…
Cape ground owl sees her shadow
It has been an unusually cool winter here in Southwest Florida. And it may continue to be cool for some time to come. That is what Athene, the city’s official burrowing owl, told NBC2 meteorologist Rob Duns on Friday as…
2024 Cape Coral Pride Parade
View photos from our participation in the 2024 Pride Parade in downtown Cape Coral on March 2nd.
‘HOO’ WANTS TO SELL? The City of Cape Coral could purchase your property for Burrowing Owls
On Tuesday, Janet Windisch, Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife said the City of Cape Coral could be the first city to receive the Florida Fish and Wildlife’s (FWC) Burrowing Owl Protection Grant. The grant would allow the City of Cape Coral to purchase vacant properties and turn them into homes for the owls. “This money is coming from…
Good News! Federal Judge Rules Against 404 Permitting Moved to Florida Department of Environmental Protection
In 2020, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency delegated federal wetlands permitting under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) over the objections of Audubon and most other environmental organizations. Several groups engaged EarthJustice to file a legal challenge.
Volunteer of the Month – February 2024
Gigi Yarusso Approximately eleven years ago, Gigi met a woman from Switzerland, Maija Gadient. Both shared the love of wildlife, especially the Florida manatee and the monarch butterfly. Six years ago, Gigi involved herself in raising money for a Manateeum (museum...
Expert Wildlife Speakers Announced for 2024 Burrowing Owl Festival
Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife (CCFW) has announced the wildlife experts who will speak at the 22nd Annual Burrowing Owl Festival, Wildlife and Environmental Expo on February 24, 2024.