Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife
Our Mission
Dedicated to Protection, Preservation and Education
Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife is a volunteer organization whose purpose is to preserve and enhance the habitats of protected wildlife species and to educate the community about Cape Coral’s wildlife resources.
Founded in 2001, we now have approximately 500 members and an engaged group of volunteers, board of directors and committees operating our unique events and programs. | About Us
Volunteer hours in the last year
Actions Speak Louder than Words!
Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife is a non-profit membership organization that relies on donations and fundraisers to help protect our wildlife in Cape Coral, Florida. All members are volunteers, with no paid positions.
Join/Renew Membership
Help support wildlife in Cape Coral by becoming a member, or renewing your existing membership.
Donate to CCFW
Make a tax deductible donation to support Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife and our mission to protect and educate.
Shop CCFW Merchandise
Get some unique apparel, wear your support for Cape Coral's wildlife and help further our mission by shopping CCFW merchandise.
Adopt an Owl
Adopt a Cape Coral Burrowing Owl to help fund burrow maintenance activities and other programs.
What’s at Stake
The Florida burrowing owl and gopher tortoise are designated a threatened species by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The designation of Threatened is given to species whose prospects of survival are in jeopardy—in this case due largely to habitat loss.
Research has shown that gopher tortoise populations in Cape Coral represent a self-sustaining viable conservation unit that call for preservation of the natural and vacant lands they currently occupy.
The gopher tortoise is considered a “keystone species” with more than 350 other species using their burrows for shelter. If the tortoise burrows disappear, the ecosystem of wildlife that relies on them, will collapse.
Make a Difference
Join the Burrow Maintenance Crew
Here is an important way to help working directly with wildlife. Supplied with City maps, weed wackers, safety equipment, and lots of enthusiasm this group of dedicated volunteers trim burrow with high weeds, install PVC pipes and perches on newly found burrows, repair and clean up existing burrows. They also have obtained GPS coordinates for every known burrow and submitted this information to the City of Cape Coral to be put in the City data base.
Dig a Starter Burrow
As Cape Coral grows, there will be less and less empty lots for the Burrowing Owls to call home, and loss of habitat is a primary reason why Burrowing Owl populations decline. Fortunately there is a solution to habitat loss that is working quite well. Homeowners are being encouraged to put "starter" burrows on their front lawns.
Visit the Butterfly House
The Tom Allen Memorial Butterfly House is one of Cape Coral's top attractions and a labor of love for many CCFW volunteers.
Request a Speaker
CCFW volunteers are available to speak to students and civic associations about protecting Cape Coral's wildlife and habitats.
In the News
Cape Coral Construction Displaces Burrowing Owls, Sparks Community Outrage
A Cape Coral resident is raising concerns after witnessing the destruction of a burrowing owl habitat.
Early Thursday morning, around 8:30 a.m., concerned neighbor Amanda Goodwin says she saw the bulldozing of the protective sign for burrowing owls at the construction site at NE 8th Place and NE 11th Street.
Goodwin says she saw a white pickup truck with a tractor dismantling the sign. NBC2 even spotted a displaced owl while at the construction site.
Nick Jennings from FWC to Discuss Burrowing Owls
Did you know that Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) biologists have an active program to band Cape Coral’s burrowing owls? Join Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife (CCFW) at their first general meeting of the season on September 10, 2024 to learn more...
Cape Coral City Council Poised to Approve $900,000 Burrowing Owl Grant
The grant is the first of its kind and will provide up to $900,000 for purchase of land in Cape Coral for burrowing owl habitat.
Upcoming Cape Coral City Council Candidate Forums
Your vote is your voice. Prepare to vote in the August 20, 2024 primary election by learning about the candidates.
What this week’s heavy rainfall means for the Cape’s burrowing owls
Published by Fox News by Bella LineCAPE CORAL, Fla. — The Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife (CCFW) just finished its yearly burrowing owl count, but with warnings of flooding this week in the Cape, there's some concern about what this means for these owls that live...
Saving Burrowing Owls in the Rain
Published by Wink News by Tiffany RizzoWe’ve got lots of rain the past couple of days, and it’s flooding and burrowing owls’ homes. The older owls can fly to higher ground, but Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife President Pascha Donaldson worries about the babies! “If our...
2024 Burrowing Owl Census Results
The results have been tallied – the number of burrowing owls counted during the 6th annual census on May 18, 2024 in Cape Coral is 5098! This is a fantastic result demonstrating that Cape Coral’s official city bird is thriving in our city! 884 more owls were counted than in 2023, attributable to conservation efforts by the city, many members of the community and Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife (CCFW) to protect this threatened species which is such an iconic symbol of Cape Coral.
Annual Count for Cape Coral Burrowing Owls underway
Over 100 volunteers with Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife have set out across neighborhoods to count up the number of owls across the city.
Cape Coral Paint and Sip – Burrowing Owl Fundraiser
Wine & Canvas will be hosting a fun paint and sip event at Stevie Tomato’s Cape Coral location and $5 per registered person will be donated to Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife.
2024 Burrowing Owl Photo Contest Results
Today, we're thrilled to unveil the winners of the 2024 Burrowing Owl Photo Contest! The response this year was overwhelming, with an abundance of stunning and distinctive images capturing the essence of these magnificent birds. It was an honor to have Jesslyn...
PSA: Burrowing Owl Census This Saturday
On May 18, 2024 from 7 am – 12 pm volunteers will be conducting the Cape Coral Owl Census. If you’re driving around town between those hours, you may see this sign on many vehicles.
What You Can Do to Help Burrowing Owls During Nesting Season
We are nearing the peak of burrowing owl nesting season in Cape Coral! Have you noticed tiny chicks appearing at burrows in your neighborhood? There are several important things you can do to help the burrowing owls and their owlets at this time of year.