Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife
Our Mission
Dedicated to Protection, Preservation and Education
Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife is a volunteer organization whose purpose is to preserve and enhance the habitats of protected wildlife species and to educate the community about Cape Coral’s wildlife resources.
Founded in 2001, we now have approximately 500 members and an engaged group of volunteers, board of directors and committees operating our unique events and programs. | About Us
Volunteer hours in the last year
Actions Speak Louder than Words!
Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife is a non-profit membership organization that relies on donations and fundraisers to help protect our wildlife in Cape Coral, Florida. All members are volunteers, with no paid positions.
Join/Renew Membership
Help support wildlife in Cape Coral by becoming a member, or renewing your existing membership.
Donate to CCFW
Make a tax deductible donation to support Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife and our mission to protect and educate.
Shop CCFW Merchandise
Get some unique apparel, wear your support for Cape Coral's wildlife and help further our mission by shopping CCFW merchandise.
Adopt an Owl
Adopt a Cape Coral Burrowing Owl to help fund burrow maintenance activities and other programs.
What’s at Stake
The Florida burrowing owl and gopher tortoise are designated a threatened species by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The designation of Threatened is given to species whose prospects of survival are in jeopardy—in this case due largely to habitat loss.
Research has shown that gopher tortoise populations in Cape Coral represent a self-sustaining viable conservation unit that call for preservation of the natural and vacant lands they currently occupy.
The gopher tortoise is considered a “keystone species” with more than 350 other species using their burrows for shelter. If the tortoise burrows disappear, the ecosystem of wildlife that relies on them, will collapse.
Make a Difference
Join the Burrow Maintenance Crew
Here is an important way to help working directly with wildlife. Supplied with City maps, weed wackers, safety equipment, and lots of enthusiasm this group of dedicated volunteers trim burrow with high weeds, install PVC pipes and perches on newly found burrows, repair and clean up existing burrows. They also have obtained GPS coordinates for every known burrow and submitted this information to the City of Cape Coral to be put in the City data base.
Dig a Starter Burrow
As Cape Coral grows, there will be less and less empty lots for the Burrowing Owls to call home, and loss of habitat is a primary reason why Burrowing Owl populations decline. Fortunately there is a solution to habitat loss that is working quite well. Homeowners are being encouraged to put "starter" burrows on their front lawns.
Visit the Butterfly House
The Tom Allen Memorial Butterfly House is one of Cape Coral's top attractions and a labor of love for many CCFW volunteers.
Request a Speaker
CCFW volunteers are available to speak to students and civic associations about protecting Cape Coral's wildlife and habitats.
In the News
2021 Burrowing Owl Photo Contest Submissions
View all the wonderful submissions to the 2021 Burrowing Owl Photo Contest
Burrowing owlets rescued from flooded Cape Coral burrow
Four burrowing owlets were admitted to a local wildlife rehabilitation clinic after being rescued from their flooded burrow in Cape Coral.
2021 Gopher Tortoise Day
Cape Coral Wildlife Trust recently celebrated Gopher Tortoise Day, a special event dedicated to honoring and preserving our "Other" burrowing neighbor. The ceremony took place at a newly donated land adjacent to the Oasis Woods, marked by a meaningful ribbon-cutting...
Nesting season underway for Cape Coral burrowing owls
They’re cute, they’re curious and they’re protected! Nesting season has just begun in Cape Coral for the burrowing owl, the official bird of the Cape.
Ground Owl will predict the weather for Southwest Florida
Most of the country looks to the famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, to predict how long winter will last but here in southwest Florida, we have a famous ground owl.
Cape’s Ground Owl Day remembers burrowing owls — and their supporter
This year’s event was in honor of the late Mayor Joe Coviello, who was a strong supporter of CCFW and the preservation of species that call the city home.
Burrowing owl supporters make case at Sands location
Dozens of people met at the future location of Sands Park on Saturday, not to protest the possible pickleball courts that could go there, but how the proposed courts would impact the site’s burrowing owls.
Mayor Joe was wildlife supporter, will be missed
The storm left the birds without a place to go back to, and many of them were injured. The owls are all over our community, and without a home, they’ll become scarce.
Thousands flock to Burrowing Owl Fest
On Saturday, thousands of people came to Rotary Park, some of them having to walk a half mile because it was the closest place to park, to learn not only about the owl, but to see other animals and learn about how we can do our part to save the bird, other species and the environment.
Thousands of dollars raised to protect burrowing owls at annual Cape Coral festival
Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife raised thousands of dollars to protect the city’s threatened species. More than 4,600 people attended the 18th Annual Burrowing Owl Festival at Rotary Park.
Owl ‘eviction’ plan appealed
A Cape resident is appealing a Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission decision that gives the city of Cape Coral permission to remove a burrowing owl nest from a downtown park where the city holds one of its biggest events each year.
Floridians and their Scrub-Jay: Can they coexist?
In many ways, the Florida Scrub-Jay is the symbol for Florida’s bird story. On the one hand, Florida is near the top of the list of states for its number of resident and migratory species. On the other, it’s struggling to keep from losing several of its most prominent indigenous birds, including the Scrub-Jay.