Cape residents claim burrows in area ignored

Jun 20, 2017 | Burrowing Owls, In the News

Southwest Florida viewers are speaking up for owls. Four In Your Corner has received calls and e-mails from concerned Cape Coral residents claiming owls don’t have a place to call home because their burrows aren’t being cared for.

Florida Fish and Wildlife lists burrowing owls as threatened animals in Florida. Experts say habitat loss is a main concern.

Residents in Northeast Cape Coral say grass in vacant lots are waist high. One concerned viewer telling Four In Your Corner he can’t remember the last time the grass was cut.

“My property is open to them and they generally go up there to get relief from the sun but at night with their families and littles ones they have no where to go,” a resident said. “How are they going to get to their nesting or burrows?”