Who to Contact
Volunteer Organizations
For general questions or requests concerning Burrowing Owls, Gopher Tortoises and other native wildlife in Cape Coral:

Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife (CCFW)
City of Cape Coral Departments

For suspected violations of the city’s protected species ordinance (Burrowing Owls, Gopher Tortoises, Bald Eagle) or other codes :
City of Cape Coral Code Enforcement
Concerning Monitor Lizards and other exotic/invasive reptiles:
City of Cape Coral Environmental Resources Department
City of Cape Coral Rotary Park Environmental Center
State Agencies

Harassment or mortalities of wildlife, especially protected species such as Burrowing Owls, Gopher Tortoises, Manatees, Bald Eagles, Scrub Jays:
Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)

Concerning water quality, pollution or wetlands destruction:
Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
South District