Utilities Extension Project (UEP)
UEP Background
In the early years of Cape Coral’s development, the homes in the City were all on well water and septic tank systems. As the population grew, the Florida Health Department mandates have required that the City install a wastewater treatment system. In addition, several areas in the city experienced the drying up of their wells attributed to dry weather, high density and high usage. Since Cape Coral is surrounded by salt water, this led to the possibility of salt water intrusion into the aquifer, which could contaminate this precious resource.

As a result, the City of Cape Coral has developed a master plan to convert all of the old septic systems and well to city provided services. The high cost of this conversion has been a bone of contention with homeowners faced with huge assessments.
The project is moving along, and areas of the SW Cape are being dug up to install sewer lines and water lines. This not only disrupts homeowners, and traffic, it can have a huge impact on or city bird, the Burrowing Owls as well as our Gopher Tortoises, a threatened species.
Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife has worked very hard with the city to come up with a plan to protect these two species of wildlife during construction.
The UEP initiatives are a very long process and the plans are dynamic as economic factors and City Council members change.
For more information about the construction plans or to express concern that Burrowing Owls or Gopher Tortoises are being harmed, we recommend contacting the City of Cape Coral Public Works Department or Code Enforcement.
Burrow Maintenance Program
Join our team of volunteers performing maintenance around owl burrows to help one these lovable creatures thrive.
Adopt an Owl
Adopt a Cape Coral Burrowing Owl to help fund burrow maintenance activities and other programs.
General Meetings
View more information about our general meetings and upcoming guest speakers.