Do Not Stake a Burrow

Please do not stake a Burrowing Owl burrow without contacting Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife first.
Call 239-980-2593 before you stake!
Burrowing Owl burrows can be up to 10 feet in length. Driving stakes in the wrong place can damage the burrow and perhaps even trap owls in a crushed burrow.
The primary reason to stake a burrow is to identify nests and keep mowing crews from driving heavy equipment over them. This is especially important during nesting season (Feb – July) to maintain a perimeter around a burrow.
We also have informative signs and perches to help your owls thrive.
Burrow Maintenance Program
Join our team of volunteers performing maintenance around owl burrows to help one these lovable creatures thrive.
Adopt an Owl
Adopt a Cape Coral Burrowing Owl to help fund burrow maintenance activities and other programs.
General Meetings
View more information about our general meetings and upcoming guest speakers.