We routinely answer frequently asked questions about Cape Coral wildlife and what to do when you observe an issue.
Q. I’ve witnessed a threat to wildlife or their habitat. Who do I contact?
A. Who to contact for wildlife questions or to report possible violations
Q. I want to help an injured animal. What do I do?
A. What to do if you encounter injured wildlife

Q. How do I observe or photograph burrowing owls without disturbing them?
A. Read Our Burrowing Owl Viewing Etiquette and Tips

Q. Our vacant lot has burrowing owl activity. Can I build?
A. Yes, if you follow the rules – learn the process of building on a lot with a burrowing owl present
Q. How can I attract a burrowing owl family to my property?
A. Learn how to dig a starter burrow

Q. How can I get a burrow staked?
A. Contact Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife to stake a burrow
Q. How do I clean or maintain around an existing burrow?
A. How to safely clean and weed-whack around a burrowing owl nest
Q. Aren’t the city utilities projects threatening wildlife habitat?
A. Learn about the UEP plans and how Friends of Wildlife are monitoring the construction