Nick Jennings from FWC to Discuss Burrowing Owls
Did you know that Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) biologists have an active program to band Cape Coral’s burrowing owls? Join Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife (CCFW) at their first general meeting of the season on September 10, 2024 to learn more about this program and what it teaches conservationists about the owls’ behavior and habits.
Nick Jennings, Assistant Regional Species Conservation Biologist-FWC Southwest Region will provide an update on local burrowing owl habitat, preservation efforts and recent activities around banding and tracking burrowing owls. Nick is a local expert on burrowing owls and Southwest Florida wildlife. He presented his work with Florida’s burrowing owls at the 2023 World Owl Conference and the 2024 CCFW Burrowing Owl Festival.
The CCFW general meeting will be held at Rotary Park, 5505 Rose Garden Road, Cape Coral on September 10, 2024. The doors open at 6:30 for sign-in and networking, and Nick Jennings’ presentation begins at 7 PM followed by the CCFW business meeting. All are welcome.
Rotary Park Environmental Center