Photographers Birding Bus Tour
As part of Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife’s 22nd Annual Burrowing Owl Festival, Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife will be offering a Photographers Birding Bus Tour. Participants will have the opportunity to view and photograph our beautiful local birds. In addition to the adorable burrowing owls, possible sightings include bald eagles, purple martins, monk parakeets, eastern meadowlarks, loggerhead shrikes, wading birds such as the great blue heron, and maybe even mangrove cuckoos.
Join Master Birders Eary and Jennifer Warren, and David and Tammy McQuade in an air-conditioned bus for this fascinating four-hour trip.
Eary and Jennifer Warren set the Florida State “Big Year” record in 2019 for the most bird species found in that year, all while working full time. Eary also holds the Lee County “Big Day” record. Eary is a native Floridian, Cape Coral resident, and an administrator of the SW Florida Bird Alert on Facebook. He and Jennifer can often be found with binoculars and cameras in one of Lee County’s many great parks.
David and Tammy McQuade have observed over 700 species of birds in the U. S. in each of the last four years. David now has the distinction of being Number 1 on e-Bird, having the most species (877) ever photographed in the U. S. David and Tammy are also SW Florida Bird Alert administrators. David is on the board of the American Birding Association.
Both couples love to share their knowledge about local and migratory birds and enjoy teaching folks how to capture their beauty in photographs.
Tickets are $65 (which includes admission to the festival) and must be purchased ahead of time at Photographers Bus Tour Tickets. The 4 hour tour begins at 7 AM on Saturday February 24 at Rotary Park, 5505 Rose Garden Road, Cape Coral FL.
Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife Burrowing Owl Festival, Wildlife and Environmental Expo is February 24, 2024, 10AM – 4PM at Rotary Park. The festival features children’s activities, live animals by Adam’s Animal Encounters, wildlife education, silent auction, food and beverages, vendors, butterfly house tours and more. A $5 donation is suggested for visitors ages 12+.
Funds raised will be used to support Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife’s mission to preserve and enhance the habitats of protected wildlife species and to educate the community about Cape Coral’s wildlife resources, with a special emphasis on acquiring land to preserve as wildlife habitat in Cape Coral.