Volunteer of the Month – December 2023

Trudy Withey
Trudy is a quiet force who really gets people to support us through sponsorships and donations. Last year she was able to get more than $500 worth of gift certificates from Grimaldis in Ft Myers! Trudy is a DAR and member of the Lawrence Kearney Chapter which has been a sponsor of the BOF for a number of years. She speaks at a number of the local DAR chapter meetings and gets them interested in what we are doing. Last year she get a few of the members to volunteer at the BOF and talked others into attending as well. She has a hand out like a post card for each meeting. Trudy makes sure she has a burrowing owl t shirt on each time she goes out to even her dentist and massage person so she can talk about them and then suggest they donate. This year she has gotten her dentist to donate and become a sponsor. She got the Manager of Hotworx to do both as well. Trudy is well organized with a spreadsheet of her progress of getting donations and she certainly has come up with some very wonderful and unique donations. It’s such a pleasure working with Trudy to get donations and sponsorships.
Trudy simply loves the owls and has a separate shelf in her home just for owl items – and she now has a big lighted owl for the holidays in her front porch! She lives almost across the street from one of the most unique owl burrows in Cape Coral where there is a pink “house” for shade and protection.